
Refreshed after long weekend

Posted by Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama at 8:48 AM
I trust everyone had a splendid, long weekend? Marc and I decided that we should have three day weekends all of the time, just work four 10 hour shifts and call it good. *LeSigh* That will be the day...

Canada was beautiful and the concert kicked major ass! The venue was not the best and we will not be going there again to see a concert, but STP rocked out! I had never seen them live and the last time Marc was able to was back in 93' during their prime.
The concert ended at about 11:30 and we drove straight back to my mom's which is about a half an hour out of Bellingham, WA. We were exhausted.

So for the rest of the weekend we just relaxed and got some errands done. I finally went and bought fabric for Jordan's bedding and nursery. it took me forever as I was not pleased with the baby selection at Jo-Ann's. I did finally pick on a color scheme and it is coming out beautifully!
Here are the pillows that will go in his room on the bench below the window:

And here is the quilt top, unfinished:

I have enough of the circle fabric to do blinds and his crib skirting. Now I just have to bust my tush to get it done before the shower on Saturday.