
Doctor Doctor... give me some news!

Posted by Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama at 11:20 AM
I had another weekly appointment this morning, another internal and my strep B test results back.
Here is a small wrap of what happened:
- lost 3 pounds ;), BP is great too
- negative on Strep B
- no dilation.. boooo
So much for the two dreams that Marc and I had last night. I dreamt that the doctor told me that I was 2 cm dilated and Marc had a dream that I was dilated as well. Oh well, I do have a few more weeks and Jordan better be ready to come out and start playing! And by my belly size, Jordan weighs aprox 8 pounds... this is somewhat scary to me. I was a little over 7 pounds as well as Marc: we are not very big people at all. With 2, give or take, weeks left I am just hoping that he stays at eight or is smaller than his prediction.

So while I have been sitting, anxiously waiting at home for his arrival I have been thinking and thinking; a lot about life: about my life, about Marc's life, about our life together, about Jordan's life and about our soon to be family life. With a little over two weeks to go, our household will be dramatically changed. Stay tuned for Friday's big news!!


sophie n on September 30, 2008 at 7:18 PM said...


i'm so glad you like the book! it was so hard for me to get into it at first too. and you're right, if it wasn't for bella and edward, i would have been lost...however, look out for alice...

thats all i'm gonna say! : )

and new moon is good but is my least favorite...you'll understand why when you start to read it however, it does start the foundation for the rest of the series...let me know when you finish book 1!