I had another weekly appointment this morning, another internal and my strep B test results back.
Here is a small wrap of what happened:
- lost 3 pounds ;), BP is great too
- negative on Strep B
- no dilation.. boooo
So much for the two dreams that Marc and I had last night. I dreamt that the doctor told me that I was 2 cm dilated and Marc had a dream that I was dilated as well. Oh well, I do have a few more weeks and Jordan better be ready to come out and start playing! And by my belly size, Jordan weighs aprox 8 pounds... this is somewhat scary to me. I was a little over 7 pounds as well as Marc: we are not very big people at all. With 2, give or take, weeks left I am just hoping that he stays at eight or is smaller than his prediction.
So while I have been sitting, anxiously waiting at home for his arrival I have been thinking and thinking; a lot about life: about my life, about Marc's life, about our life together, about Jordan's life and about our soon to be family life. With a little over two weeks to go, our household will be dramatically changed. Stay tuned for Friday's big news!!
3 weeks ago