
Happy Birthday Marc!

Posted by Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama at 11:36 AM
Please help me wish the father to be a wonderful birthday!


It is going to be a relaxing evening as we celebrated it last night with a homemade lasagna meal and brownies for dessert. I knew I would be too tired to make it tonight after work. He is making ribs tonight instead.
Well, my weekend wasnt the greatest. I slept a lot, and was on the verge of puking all day and all night. The only thing that seems to help is to eat every few hours. I was trying to be good and keep my weight gain at a low but I have realized that I must eat to feel better. Oh well...
Our first checkup is tomorrow. I am very excited but a tad nervous as well. I hope everything is going well with my Itty Bitty and with me. 7 weeks already on Wednesday... it has gone by fast yet slow. haha I know it doesnt make sense but just go with it! =)
Happy Monday everyone and I will be sure to post tomorrow evening on the doctor report.


Melissa on March 3, 2008 at 5:19 PM said...

No worries with the weight. Seriously there are two types of pregnancies.... either you feel sick if you eat OR you are sick if you don't eat. Unfortunently I was sick if you don't eat....yea...I may have gained some weight. :) Oh the joys of pregnancy :)

sophie n on March 3, 2008 at 10:15 PM said...

merry bday marc!

tasha, feel better!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Marc..

We will all have to get together and celebrate.

Goodluck with your doc. appt. today Tasha.
Call me tonight.

Love Mom..xoxo