
Happy 5 weeks, Itty Bitty!

Posted by Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama at 9:10 AM

Look how big Itty Bitty is getting! The size of an apple seed! I think it has Momma's eyes and Pappa's nose... what do you think? hehe
I have been feeling pretty good. I do get tired but I have cut my caffeine habit down to 90% and I notice if I don’t eat every few hours I get a little light headed and famished feeling. The bloating feeling is still there and I think it is also caused by water retention. However I retain water any ol' day so nothing new here. I still am going to the gym at night which seems to help my mood and overall feeling of being healthy.
I remember watching some friends in the past eat and eat and eat and completely diminish their health during their pregnancy. Not caring with they ingest and how much. Of of them gained as much weight as she should have through her whole pregnancy just in her first trimester! I know some take pregnancy differently and when cravings come the COME HARD but it is also about self control and knowing what is best for you AND the baby. Does the baby need deep fried foods? On occasion but not everyday.
Simply put: I am very scared of the weight gain. More so then the birth itself. I just know my body type and I know it will not be easy to get rid of the remaining weight. But knowing that we are going to be getting married next summer I think that will be extra incentive for me to get back to my healthy body type.


sophie n on February 20, 2008 at 4:53 PM said...


i love reading your updates and am totally smiling right now!

i'm so excited for you guys!!!

take care of yourself and your baby... : )

sophie n on February 21, 2008 at 12:08 AM said...

of course! i would be honored!! let me know when...

Tiff on February 21, 2008 at 6:28 AM said...

Thanks for visiting The Baby Luc! You will show in no time, it has been going so fast! I am looking forward to reading about Itty Bitty! :o)