
Please bare with me

Posted by Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama at 11:10 PM 1 comments
I wanted to update my background and I had to start all over again... ugh! I am trying to upload all my side pictures and info again so it may be a few days before it starts to look and feel better! :)


Dear toothfairy,

Posted by Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Baby J has popped his 6th tooth in last night! They seem to be getting easier and easier to handle (knock on wood)but the thing that I have noticed is that he get's fussy 1-2 weeks before it actually pops through. Maybe the moving down is more painful than the actually outing. Either way he is his happy self again! :)

Marc and I had a very eventful night last night! We attended the Layne Staley Tribute concert in Seattle at the Showbox. Marc had met his mom, Nancy, a few weeks back and is now in the process of getting involved with their fund and being a board member. Not only was it an amazing tribute concert for our good friend Layne, but all of the proceeds went to the fund to help heroine addicts. Ed Kowalczyk of Live headlined and was absolutely amazing. He sounds beautiful live and in person, and with his acoustic guitar he can can shatter walls and bring tears. There was a silent auction and one of the items was a guitar that was signed by Ed. $1200 later we are the proud owners of it. What we are going to do with is still the question. lol

We were honored that we were ale to meet Nancy and help her fund. Whether of not you are an Alice in Chains fan, heroine ruins lives and shatters families. Whether it's for this fund or another, please open your mind and heart and donate to something that means the most to you. You would not believe how much 5$ can make a difference.


Happy 10 Months!

Posted by Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama at 2:30 PM 4 comments

Baby J is in the double digits - bye bye single digits! While I am extremely excited, Marc and I are very sad that our little "baby" is now turning into a toddler.
I have a toddle - almost. Wait, did I just say that? YIKES!
We are busy planning our housewarming party on the 29th of August. Calling caterer's, booking chairs and tables and getting the house prepared. We have done quite a few projects and we are just needing to finish the final touches.
And in the middle of this I am starting to plan out Baby J's first Birthday Party. Jotting down themes, making a list of who is invited, looking at pastry shops and making a menu of food. I promised myself that his second birthday will not be as big but I feel a huge party celebrating his first is needed. :)
Other than that life has been great! We had a week of HOT weather but the past 2 weeks Seattle has been rainy and cooler. I am loving it! I know, I know... I am the minority but I feel much better when the weather is crappy out.
So let's see... Jordan is almost walking! He is learning to stand on his own without support and is gaining so much balance. He certainly has mastered crawling and is very quick! I am on the hunt all of the time! His vocabulary is increasing as he is saying more and more vowel sounds and letters combined. He has yet to say mama :( - I know he will eventually but I want to hear it! EVERYTHING is DADA. lol

So onto some pictures! I was smart and took his 10 month photos on the actual date this time. No more procrastinating - ya right. ;)

And these are because I think he is the cutest when he eats! ... even though he has learned that it's funny to spit his food all over... sigh

So I need your help - what are or did you do for your son's first birthday theme. I have narrowed it down to monkey's or football.


OK, time to SERIOUSLY start this baby proofing thing

Posted by Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama at 5:14 PM 4 comments

I went out and bought hooks for the drawers and doors. I can't believe he is already starting to get into things! AAHHHHH!!!!!